Having a relationship with God – Series 3


19 Posts Published



2 Timothy 1: 3-7. Apostle Paul acknowledges that Timothy had faith, however as an experienced teacher of the word of God, he understands that faith alone is not enough. So he encourages Timothy to fan into flame a gift that is already inside him. A gift received by laying of hands through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Apostle Paul in this instance can be likened to a modern day mentor. It is important in your walk as a Christian, to not only read and understand the word of God, but also allow mentors placed and proved by God to speak in your life.

Remember the Spirit of God has already placed within you a gift of power, love and self discipline.
The bible speaks about serving God with a clear conscience. In order to do so, you must have self discipline. It is the ability to do away with the things that affect the conscience and solely focusing on God. When someone comes across a barrier, naturally one concentrates on that barrier, but those whom have received power and self control from God are focused on the end goal, to serve God.
Understand your focus. Do not be a passive observer. Know where you are going. Know your purpose. Chose your battles and let go of things that are not important. Only then can you serve with a clear conscience. In everyday life, everyone faces challenges through general interaction with the people around us, hence the importance of self control. What starts, a thought or a feeling? Analyse your thought process. Dwelling on the negative can only result in negative feelings which determines your preceding actions. We often put blame on situations and forget the power of self control. Positive choices in thought result in positive actions. Therefore our actions towards one another have the ability to compromise our relationship with God. Remember eternal joy is internal, it is not governed by the external.
2 Timothy 2 : 3-6. Be loyal to God. The path of a christian is not easy and is full of hurdles. But if we have chosen God, then we must take part in the suffering and endure it. Be an active soldier on duty. Distinguish yourself above the ordinary. Remember everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. An athlete’s discipline determines their victory, likewise the life of a true Christian should attract Gods approval. Do not concern yourself with the physical pursuits of life, but in the will of the Father.

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