

19 Posts Published



God has given you another chance to live. Why not use this time you have been given
wisely. We should be mindful not to focus on what we do not have, but we must take time
to appreciate what we do have. The bible teaches to be joyful at all times. True joy comes
from within. It is an intentional choice to be joyous at all times.

God speaks through His word. His word is not so that we can make comments about it,
then go back to our daily life. It is not a word to simply be enjoyed. It is not an interesting
fictional story. The word of God teaches us to become. Becoming is a process of
transformation. It is transformative because it inspires us to become something new. By
definition, transformation means an extreme, radical change. As long as you don’t
understand the word in this context, no matter how many years you might hear it or attend
church, it will not have that transformational effect in your life. If we are unable to realise this
aspect of the word, it’s purpose for us will be lost. This is why application of what we hear
from the word of God is very important.
Becoming means that you are on a journey from one point to another. Look at the devise
you are using today, it was a transformation of raw materials that were put together to
create the gadget you have now. So is the word of God. If we give ourselves to the word,
we become transformed. Unless mixed with faith (Hebrews 4:2), we know that the word of
God isn’t beneficial in us. You see, the word of God teaches us to be elevated from one
level to another. As such, when God speaks, He wants to transform us. This can only be
realised through our ability to fully surrender to God. Even if we believe in God, we might
find it difficult to accomplish our purpose because we lack the capacity to apply the word in
the situations we face. Our life, the word, and our faith can be separate entities, but when
we can combine them to work coherently together, they become transformative.
For you to become who God called you to be, you need to effectively use the bible
resourcefully by implementing what you have read and understood. In Joshua 1:9, Joshua
was instructed by God to be determined. This required him to be unwavering in his
decisions and to stand by them. God knew that Joshua would encounter challenges and
warfare. Joshua therefore needed to become something that he was not before; a
determined individual. When you permit the word of God to transform you, you inherently
fulfil your purpose. Sadly, so many of us start the process of transformation, become afraid,
then opt out of it. In Today’s context, Joshua embodies the concept of remaining steadfast
through adversity. Remember, students learn, not to recite back the same information to
their teachers, but rather learn in order to implement what they have learnt through the
concept of application. In order for us to undergo that transformative process, we need to
be able to apply the knowledge that we are learning from the word of God in to our day to
day life.
1 Kings 19:19-21- This is an extraordinary scripture. There is no one who builds a house
without counting the cost. In this story, we read that Elijah put his cloak on Elisha. We know
that Elijah was a man sent by God Himself, meaning that there was something significant
about his cloak. Whatever it may have been, the act of putting the cloak on Elisha, became
the stimulus that inspired Elisha’s transformation. After that encounter with Elijah, Elisha’s
life was never the same again. He slaughtered his oxen and left his home to serve Elijah as
a servant. We see the same transformation when the first disciples were called. One word
inspired them to leave their livelihoods and become fishers of men. If we evaluate these two
encounters we see that the word of God can only be transformational to us once we see
the value that it holds in our lives. The word of God has the power and authority to change
us only is we give ourselves to it.
Often a time, many of us have encountered God in a supernatural way. Perhaps God wants
to use us to bring healing, or prophesy, or even preaching, but we resist or completely

ignore. So the transformational value of God doesn’t work in us. We must surrender to
God’s will in order to become. It was a difficult decision for Elisha to give up his life and
leave his patents. However he understood that there was a greater value in whatever was
urging him to act in the manner he did. Elisha chose to acknowledge it.
Becoming is not about merely listening to what God says and not actually applying it. We
have the potential to do greater things if we allow God to work within us. (John 14:20). We
need to use the word to make the required change from within. We cannot pick and chose
particular verses that are favourable to us but rather embrace all of it. We must be like the
wise builder who build is house on a solid rock by having our foundations rooted in faith
(Matthew 7: 24-27).
The process of transformation is a choice that we must make by willingly offering ourselves
to God to allow Him to work in us. When we show any resistance, God might choose to
move to another person who is more willing than we are.
Take the time to reflect on your life. How can we expect the same God we have denied to
then give us what we ask for? Jesus Christ died on the cross so that our sins could be
forgiven. His death has given us access to the Kingdom of God. Declare today that you
want to become. Chose to become someone moulded by God through His own process.
Think about what God has asked us to do, we may have refused to adhere to it, and thus
refused the process of becoming. Becoming is much more than the theory of hearing the
word, but involves engaging in the transformation process. Our common enemy is the devil.
We need to remember that our focus should be on undergoing the process of
transformation to become something new, instead of engaging in confrontations and
conflicts with our fellow brethren. We can be great people if we allow the process of God to
change us.

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